12 AUG 2022

Expert Shares the Facts on Monkeypox

A picture of Dr. Warner in the bottom-right with the text #OurDocTalk and his name in white on a dark blue curved rectangle. An up close and stylized microscope image of a virus in different shades of blue appear in the background.
Join us on Wednesday, Aug. 17 at 3:30 p.m. to hear our infectious disease specialist discuss common questions and concerns about the monkeypox virus.

The Centers for Disease Control confirmed 9,492 monkeypox cases in 51 states and territories, including more than 1,700 cases in California as of the first week of August. With more cases come more questions: How does it spread? What are the symptoms? What should I do if I am exposed?

Gregory Warner, D.O., NorthBay Health’s infectious disease specialist, will answer some of the common questions and concerns about the viral disease, signs and symptoms, what to do if you think you’ve been exposed and the limited availability of vaccine during a half-hour chat scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 17 on the NorthBay Facebook page. There will be time for questions and answers at the end of the chat.

Dr. Warner notes that unlike the virus that causes COVID-19, monkeypox has been around for decades, mainly on the African continent. “In the past, we have seen some cases pop up in other areas of the world, but never like this,” he said.

Monkeypox is closely related to the smallpox virus that was eradicated in the United States decades ago, but monkeypox is typically less severe in the average adult than smallpox.

“Most cases we are seeing in North America are caused by a milder variant and they are self-limiting. But awareness and containment are important to limit the spread and protect vulnerable populations that will be more adversely affected,” cautioned Dr. Warner. Individuals with weakened immune systems and younger and older individuals can experience more dangerous symptoms, such as severe pneumonia or meningitis.

In North America so far, monkeypox primarily has been transmitted through skin-to-skin contact and respiratory droplets. “A vast majority of the cases we are seeing have been linked to skin-on-skin contact and typically associated with sexual contact,” added Dr. Warner.

Monkeypox symptoms usually start within two weeks of exposure to the virus. Initial symptoms are similar to flu: fever, headache, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, followed by a rash and sores that look similar to herpes sores. The rash or sores may be located on or near the genitals or anus but could also be on other areas such as the hands, feet, chest or face. The sores go through several stages, including scabs, before healing and can look like pimples or blisters and may be painful or itchy.

If you believe you are experiencing these symptoms, be sure to call your primary care or urgent care facility first. “We want to contain this, and different offices have protocols to protect their staff and other patients,” said Dr. Warner.

There are a limited number of vaccines available through Solano Public Health for individuals with certain risk factors and those have been exposed to the virus. NorthBay Health Primary Care does not have the vaccine at this time.

Solano Public Health has already held several vaccination clinics, learn more by visiting their monkeypox page.

To stay safe, Dr. Warner provided some tips:

  • Hand hygiene: Be vigilant and wash your hands after touching common surfaces.
  • Be aware: Whether it is a sexual partner, friend or family member, take notice of any rashes or flu-like symptoms.
  • Masking: Masking around people could be beneficial.

Long term, the best way to prevent a pandemic is to take public health precautions seriously, educate those who are sick and the people around them, and keep learning about the subtypes of the virus, added Dr. Warner.

If you have questions but are not available to participate in the Aug. 17 chat, send them in advance to Robin.Miller@NorthBay.org. For more information on the virus, visit our monkeypox resources page.

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