Our Infectious Disease Stories

A mother with her hand pressed against her young son's forehead as she takes his temperature. Her son is bundled up under his covers, holding his teddy bear.
Still Time Left for a Vaccine There are still many months of Flu Season left. January 1, 2024
A smiling woman in the process of either putting on or taking off a face mask.
Here’s Your Best Protection Against a Triple Whammy Don’t fall victim to the flu, COVID or RSV this year. November 1, 2023
Young boy sneezing into a facial tissue.
Call Now For Your Flu Shot NorthBay patients can now schedule an annual flu shot appointment. October 1, 2023
A nurse placing a bandage on a patient's arm.
Flu Season Ahead Vaccine available soon for patients during regular doctor appointments. September 1, 2023
A man with his eyes closed, rubbing his pained head while holding a tea mug in bed. On his bedside table medicine and a thermometer can be seen.
Our Top Tips for Recovering at Home What to do if you have the flu or "mild" COVID. May 5, 2023
A woman wearing a N95 mask to keep herself safe as she goes about her day.
Cautionary Tale: More Say Yes to Masking Survey shows most Pulse readers are still COVID-conscious. November 1, 2022

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