Our Primary Care Stories

A smiling woman in the process of either putting on or taking off a face mask.
Here’s Your Best Protection Against a Triple Whammy Don’t fall victim to the flu, COVID or RSV this year. November 1, 2023
Young boy sneezing into a facial tissue.
Call Now For Your Flu Shot NorthBay patients can now schedule an annual flu shot appointment. October 1, 2023
Cover of the Summer 2023 edition of WellSpring. A mom and her teenager daughter are enjoying having a jog together.
Your Guide to NorthBay Health Magazine provides the answers you need to make healthy choices. September 1, 2023
A nurse placing a bandage on a patient's arm.
Flu Season Ahead Vaccine available soon for patients during regular doctor appointments. September 1, 2023
Close up of a mixed race man's eye.
New Tool Can Save Eyesight Quick test for diabetic patients can reveal issues before symptoms appear. July 1, 2023
A young granddaughter being embraced by her grandmother while her brother and mother continue to walk into the house.
Tips for Grandparenting Success Preparation is key when you’re in charge of the little ones. July 1, 2023

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