Our Event Stories

A doctor presenting in front of a crowd of people.
In-Person or Virtual? Are you ready to get out for events or is Zoom your preference? May 1, 2022
A young couple in the kitchen working on preparing a meal while going over the recipe on their phone.
Our Registered Dietitian Invites you into her Demo Registered Dietitian Laura O’Mary serves up healthy eating tips on Facebook Live. March 1, 2022
Interventional cardiologist Mark Villalon, M.D., reviewing a high resolution digital image of a patient's blood vessels.
Heart Health and You Facebook Live on Feb. 17 with interventional cardiologist Mark Villalon, M.D. Learn what you can do... February 1, 2022
Alzheimer’s Support Group Plans Telephone Conference The monthly Vacaville NorthBay Alzheimer’s Dementia Caregiver Support Group will meet via phone conference at 7.... June 5, 2020
The season of sharing has special meaning for the NorthBay Cancer Center this week, after firefighters, a Vacaville service organization and a generous individual donor came together on Monday to present checks totaling $54,800 in donations.
Tickled PINK! Cancer Center Receives $50,000-Plus from Donor, Firefighters, Soroptimists The season of sharing has special meaning for.... December 17, 2019
Cornhole game
Cornhole for the NorthBay Cancer Center Saturday This Saturday, the Vacaville Firefighters Association will hold its first-ever “Movember Cornhole Tournament,” planned to raise... November 26, 2019

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