Our Infectious Disease Stories

Woman with the flu laying down on the couch looking uncomfortable. A tea mug and crumpled tissues are scattered on a coffee table in front of her.
Flu Season Ahead Experts say America is in for a difficult flu season this fall and vaccination will be... September 1, 2022
Set of hands typing on a laptop. A overlayed image appears above the keyboard of a smiling face with 5 starts underneath it, followed by a neutral face with 3 stars, and a frowning face with 1 star.
Survey: Are You Still Masking? Share your masking strategy with us in a short survey. September 1, 2022
A picture of Dr. Warner in the bottom-right with the text #OurDocTalk and his name in white on a dark blue curved rectangle. An up close and stylized microscope image of a virus in different shades of blue appear in the background.
Expert Shares the Facts on Monkeypox Join us on Wednesday, Aug. 17 at 3:30 p.m. to hear our infectious disease specialist discuss... August 12, 2022
Small child looking up at his doctor who just gave him a shot and is putting a bandage over the area. They are both wearing blue surgical masks.
Protecting Our Youngest Patients from COVID NorthBay Health is offering Moderna COVID vaccine clinics for its pediatric patients age 6 months and... August 1, 2022
A graphic image of a red and orange virus cells.
Monkeypox: What You Need to Know Expert weighs in on how to spot it and stay safe. July 1, 2022
A person with a small bandage on their arm holding up a
Who Needs a Second COVID-19 Vaccine Booster? What you need to know about a second COVID booster. June 2, 2022

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