Our Event Stories

Bjorn Fratangelo returns a shot during the tournament he went on to win in straight sets.
NorthBay tennis tournament returns in October Professional tennis returns to Solano County for a milestone fifth year in October when the $100,000.... June 17, 2019
Jubilee Defies the Rain Fabulous Fundraiser a Squishy Success It was raining cats and dogs, but the foul weather didn’t.... May 22, 2019
Rain didn't dampen spirits at the 32nd Annual Solano Wine & Food Jubilee.
Rain Doesn't Dampen Spirits at Annual Jubilee Rainy weather didn’t deter the crowds, nor the vendors, from turning out in force for the.... May 20, 2019
Jubilee will be held — rain or shine
Solano Wine & Food Jubilee is On, Rain or Shine! It has been said, “There is no bad weather, just unsuitable clothing.” With that thought in.... May 15, 2019
A full house of physicians and clinical providers participate in the TBI and concussion symposium which was followed by a public event featuring a panel of experts the next day.
Brain Injury Workshops a Hit A full house of physicians and clinical providers from throughout California turned out on Friday, May.... May 10, 2019
Tick, Tock: Jubilee is Days Away Haven’t purchased your Solano Wine & Food Jubilee tickets yet? Here are some fun factoids to.... May 9, 2019

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