10 MAY 2019

Brain Injury Workshops a Hit

A full house of physicians and clinical providers participate in the TBI and concussion symposium which was followed by a public event featuring a panel of experts the next day.
A full house of physicians and clinical providers participate in the TBI and concussion symposium which was followed by a public event featuring a panel of experts the next day.

A full house of physicians and clinical providers from throughout California turned out on Friday, May 3, to participate in a NorthBay Health neuroscience symposium on TBI and concussion, orchestrated by Edie Zusman, M.D., and featuring more than a dozen physician experts. It was followed by a public event May 4, which featured doctors and coaches talking about what patients need to know about concussions and youth sports. Participants included Pete Zopfi, D.O., Fairfield City Councilman Rick Vaccaro, Neil Pathare, M.D., and Bennet Omalu, M.D.

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