Contact Us
Phone Numbers
NorthBay Trauma Center:
(707) 646-4006
NorthBay Trauma Center:
1200 B. Gale Wilson Blvd., Fairfield, CA 94533
Office Hours
Everyday: Always Prepared

Preventing Injuries Close to Home

Stop the Bleed, save a life

In October of 2015, A national “Stop the Bleed” campaign was launched by the Department of Homeland Security through the National Security Council in an effort to empower civilian bystanders to immediately assist victims of active shooter and other mass casualty situations. Learn what it takes to save a life by finding a training course near you or contacting us at NorthBay Trauma Center to hold a training for your organization.

Fall Prevention

Annually, one in every three adults, age 65 and older, falls. There are risks unique to all age groups when it comes to this public health problem. Fortunately, there is something you can do to prevent them. As a devoted member of the Fall Prevention Partnership of Solano County, NorthBay Health is ready to help. Learn how to make your home a safer environment, and what you can do daily, to reduce your chances of injury.

Bike Safety/Helmet Safety

Every year, about 300,000 children go to the emergency department because of bike injuries. It's not enough to simply buy a bicycle helmet- it needs to be properly fitted, adjusted and worn each time. On behalf of the Solano Transportation Authority, NorthBay wants you to remember a head injury can mean brain injury, and that a helmet can only protect your head if you wear it EVERY time you ride.

Dog Bite Prevention

Do you know what your dog's body language is trying to tell you? Emergency rooms across the nation see around 1,000 dog bites a day, most coming from family pets. Learn how to keep your family safe, and about the warning signs man's best friend is trying to give you.

Car Seat Safety

Have a child 8 years old or younger? Child safety seats reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 71 percent for infants, and by 54 percent for toddlers, ages 1 to 4 years. Equip yourself with the knowledge to be on the right side of the law; you could save yourself up to $1,000 in potential violation fees.

Every 15 Minutes

You are not invincible. Every 15 minutes someone dies as the result of an alcohol-related collision. NorthBay partners with Rio Vista High School to challenge teenagers to think about the true consequences of drinking, driving, and the impact their decisions have on family, friends, and the community.

Protecting yourself against Concussions or Traumatic Brain Injury

Drinking and Driving

Drunk Driving is still the #1 cause of death on our roadways. Learn how you and your community can do your part to keep everyone safe from this senseless catastrophe.

Distractions and Texting While Driving

You are 23 times more likely to crash if you text while driving, and 40 percent of all American teens say they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put people in danger. Don't become another statistic; inform yourself about the true dangers of driving while distracted.

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)/ Human trafficking

Human traffickers generate billions of dollars in profits by trapping millions of people in horrific situations. This not only happens in foreign countries, it is happening here in our own backyard. This is a crime that occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion by way of violence, threats, deception, debt bondage, and other manipulative tactics to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will.

While the exact numbers are impossible to know, The International Labour Organization estimates that there are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally. Of those 40.3 million, 81% of them are trapped in forced labor, 25% of them are children and 75% are women and girls. Protect yourself from becoming a victim by knowing the red flags and informing yourself of the dangers.

Pool Safety

Consumer Product Recalls

Our Trauma Leadership Our Trauma Leadership

Medical Director, Trauma Program

Director, Emergency Services and Trauma Program

  • Heather Venezio headshot
Level II Trauma Center verified by the American College of Surgeons. Click here to learn more about this verification. Blank spaceLogo for the Mayo Clinic Care Network. Learn what this means for NorthBay patients and providers.