05 MAY 2023

Is Your Back Out of Whack?

Woman gingerly placing the back of her right hand on the small of her back.
Join Orthopedic Surgeon Cornelis Elmes, M.D. to learn how your lower back pain can be caused by the sacroiliac joint and what you can do about it.

An important but often under-appreciated and unknown cause of low back pain will be the subject of a Zoom webinar featuring NorthBay Health Orthopedic Surgeon Cornelis Elmes, M.D.

“Low Back Pain’s Missing Piece: The Sacroiliac Joint” will be held at 5:30 p.m. on June 22. Dr. Elmes will discuss and answer questions on lower back pain caused by the sacroiliac joint, how it is diagnosed and treatment options.

In up to 30 percent of patients with chronic low back pain, the cause is the SI joints, which link the iliac bones (hips) to the sacrum, or the lowest part of the spine above the tailbone. These joints act as shock absorbers for impacts from the lower extremities to the spine.

The joints don’t move as much as other joints in the body, but they move just enough to help diffuse some of the forces and decrease the risk of injury to the spine.

Treatment options range from physical therapy and exercises, especially those that help to strengthen the body’s core muscles, to steroid injections and interventional treatment such as joint fusion.

Register for the webinar

For more information about the webinar, call (707) 646-3280. To make an appointment with Dr. Elmes or learn more about SI joint pain, call (707) 646-5599.

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