Our Community Outreach Stories

A message from President and CEO B. Konard Jones: Enough is Enough
Enough is Enough From B. Konard Jones
On Behalf of NorthBay Health NorthBay Health, for 60 years, has been.... June 15, 2020
Mary Dieckey, R.N., poses with a sign created through Soroptimist International. The signs have been purchased and placed at each NorthBay campus.
Soroptimists Salute Health Care Heroes She may have retired from NorthBay Health in 2018 after 33 years of service, but Mary.... May 13, 2020
A Physician’s Message: Dr. Andrew Brooks NorthBay Health Orthopedic Surgeon Andrew Brooks, M.D. offers his tips and advice for joint replacement patients.... April 9, 2020
Holiday Party Brings Joy to Hundreds of Children With a little help from Spiderman, Cinderella and a young boy named Marcelo, the Center for.... December 26, 2019
An artist's rendering shows what the new homeless navigation center will look like when complete.
NorthBay Joins Partners in New Homeless Initiative NorthBay Health has joined other health systems, Solano County and the city of Vallejo to create.... November 18, 2019
Herkanwal Khaira, M.D.
Urologist to Offer One More Talk If you missed the recent lecture by NorthBay Health urologist Herkanwal Khaira, M.D., on an amazing.... November 8, 2019

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