15 JUN 2020

Enough is Enough

A message from President and CEO B. Konard Jones: Enough is Enough
A message from President and CEO B. Konard Jones: Enough is Enough

From B. Konard Jones
On Behalf of NorthBay Health

NorthBay Health, for 60 years, has been a place for healing, caring for all who come, striving to be blind to the socio-economic status, race and creed of patients who entrust us with their well-being.

The fabric of our health system is woven with the many colors of our skin, the social-economic conditions of our lives and the belief that there are no differences between our patients, the people who give us the right to address  their health care needs.

Racism incubates in ignorance. Like a virus, it infects a community and transmits distrust of each other, prejudice within our justice system and misery through our economic system. That is true inside and outside the walls of our health system, which is why we must make the difference.

Let us unite to combat and dismantle racism and discrimination in all its shapes and constructs. Each of us must denounce race-related violence. Enough is enough.  Our individual and collective voices no longer can remain silent.

Change must start today, and it must begin with us – with respect for our co-workers, physicians, patients and their families. That is why we will work even harder to enhance the diversity of our workforce and inclusion in all we do. We will focus on education while committing to behavioral and structural inclusion of physicians, providers, nurses, support staff and every work unit and department within NorthBay Health.

To create a society of healthy individuals, we must address racial, ethnic and health inequality. NorthBay has worked hard, every day, to battle the disparities by caring for all, regardless of their ability to compensate us for their care.

We must continue and we must do even more. We have to be even better – for our patients, for our co-workers and for those who have suffered from racial inequity and social injustice.

Change must come, and it needs to start within our walls and spread into our community and the world beyond.

Join me as I commit to do my part in making a difference “The NorthBay Way.”


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