Our Primary Care Stories

Young white male student taking a break, leaning forward while resting on his desk. He looks away from the camera with a distracted, worried expression.
Key Facts on Fentanyl What you need to know about this dangerous drug. March 1, 2023
Young Asian woman blowing her nose with tissue in front of a hedge wall of pink, vigorously blooming flowers.
The Blooming Battle Simple strategies can minimize woes for allergy sufferers. March 1, 2023
A woman's hand preparing to write on an opened notebook.
Physicians Share 2023 Resolutions No surprise that fitness, meditation top most lists. January 1, 2023
Example of light shingles rash and blisters on a woman's shoulder.
Shingles Risks Increase as We Age Painful rash has its roots in chicken pox. January 1, 2023
Multiple generations of a family enjoying a walk together in the outdoors.
Too Much Screen Time: Is This a Problem? Put down those devices this holiday break and get outside and play! December 1, 2022
A mature man examining a medical bill at his table with a calculator in hand, look off wondering how he's going to pay for this.
Can You Really Afford Not to See Your Doctor? Delaying health care may cost more in the long run. November 1, 2022

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