01 JAN 2023

Physicians Share 2023 Resolutions

A woman's hand preparing to write on an opened notebook.
Read what resolutions these NorthBay Health doctors are making for 2023.

Chances are, many of us led our list of New Year’s resolutions with “Get in Shape” or “Live a Healthier Life” … and those are great goals, NorthBay Health physicians agree.

But what resolutions are physicians putting on their list? Here’s a peek at a few shared by some on NorthBay Health’s Primary Care team:

Dr. Ankit Dubey

Ankit Dubey, M.D., an internal medicine physician at NorthBay Health Primary Care in Green Valley, said his goal is to be more consistent with meditation, striving to practice every morning. “It has definitely helped me with multitasking and overcoming difficult, anxious situations.”

He also hopes to spend at least one or two hours a week on a hobby, such as basketball or different forms of exercise.

Frances Benko, DO | Family Medicine

Frances Benko, D.O., a family medicine physician at NorthBay Health Primary Care in Vacaville, says 30 minutes of exercise a day, along with a spiritual guided meditation is high on her list. Her choice of exercise may vary, from walking, running and yoga to weight lifting, just for some variety.

Dr. Paarth Shah

Paarth Shah, M.D., an internal medicine physician who works at the NorthBay Health Primary Care in Green Valley, said his goal is to exercise for at least 150 minutes every week.

Shanaz Khambatta, DP | Family Medicine | Vacaville, CA

Shanaz Khambatta, D.O., the medical director for NorthBay Health Primary Care and a family medicine specialist, said her resolution is to be more disciplined about her sleep, making it a priority.

“The body and brain repair itself when we sleep,” she explained. “I notice my mindset and even my metabolism are much stronger when I consistently sleep well and for at least seven hours.”

Dr. Larissa Chartrand, Internal Medicine

Larissa Chartrand, M.D., an internal medicine specialist who practices at the NorthBay Health Primary Care facility in Green Valley had a simple, one-word answer for her top resolution: Mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present. It can be channeled during meditation, in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgement, according to the Mayo Clinic. Or, it can be applied deliberately during everyday interactions with colleagues and — in Dr. Chartrand’s case — patients.

All NorthBay Health physicians, from primary care to specialty practices, offer their wishes for a healthy and happy new year, and wish you luck in sticking to your resolutions.

If one of your resolutions is to take better care of your health, schedule an appointment with your NorthBay Health Primary Care provider. Use the patient portal or call (707) 646-5500 to schedule an appointment.

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