Our Vascular Stories

Cover of the Spring 2023 issue of WellSpring, featuring a group shot of our heart & Vascular physicians.
It All Starts with Heart Meet NorthBay Health Heart & Vascular in the Wellspring Issue. May 5, 2023
A moment of tenderness between a daughter visiting her mother recovering in the hospital. The mother is tunred towards her daughter, smiling with her eyes closed. The daughter is holding her hand while giving her a kiss on the forehead.
Make a Heart-Felt Donation Honor a Loved One, Help NorthBay Save Lives. February 1, 2023
A middle-aged man in his home, operating a blood pressure sleeve to check his numbers.
How to Combat The Silent Killer High blood pressure can be tricky to detect and deadly. Here’s how to get it under... March 1, 2022
Mature Woman with long grey hair jogging on a country road.
Her Heart, Her Symptoms Women can experience different symptoms than men when having a heart attack. February 1, 2022
Female doctor checking the blood pressure of a female patient with a digital pressure gauge.
Here’s Six Tips to Protect Your Heart Heart disease is a real risk for women, but it’s preventable. February 1, 2022
Interventional cardiologist Mark Villalon, M.D., reviewing a high resolution digital image of a patient's blood vessels.
Heart Health and You Facebook Live on Feb. 17 with interventional cardiologist Mark Villalon, M.D. Learn what you can do... February 1, 2022

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