Our Coronavirus Stories

A person with a small bandage on their arm holding up a
Who Needs a Second COVID-19 Vaccine Booster? What you need to know about a second COVID booster. June 2, 2022
A woman packing her suitcase as it sits on her bed.
Time for Travel? Maybe! Some are ready but others are wary. Here are summer traveling tips. June 2, 2022
A woman packing a yellow suitcase on her bed in preparation for travel. Items like credit cards, sunglasses, a mask, and hand sanitizer can be seen in the foreground.
Away We Go? Car, cruise or plane? Tell us how you feel about travel. April 1, 2022
A fatigued woman sitting dejectedly on her bed in pajamas.
Fighting COVID-19’s Long-term Effects COVID symptoms can sometimes persist — increasing risk of long-term health problems. March 1, 2022
Man with short-cropped, black hair outside facing the camera while placing a N95 mask on.
Best Masks for COVID Protection Which mask is best at protecting against COVID-19 and how to spot a fake? February 1, 2022
World map showing the various COVID-19 mutation variants. Microscopic view of infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus cells appear around the border of the image.
COVID Variants and Omicron What you should know about COVID-19, variants and Omicron. January 1, 2022

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