01 APR 2019

Plans for May Workshops on TBI

Dr. Edie Zusman (left) and Pete Zopfi are teaming up to develop TBI workshops.
Dr. Edie Zusman (left) and Pete Zopfi are teaming up to develop TBI workshops.

NorthBay Health Chief of Staff Pete Zopfi, D.O., and Trauma Program Director Heather Venezio, R.N., are teaming up with neurosurgeon Edie Zusman, M.D., to develop back-to-back workshops focused on Traumatic Brain Injuries that will showcase some exemplary speakers.

The first workshop, on May 3 at NorthBay’s Green Valley Administration Center conference facility, will be a full-day CME event for physicians and other health care professionals. It will feature presentations from emergency room physicians, to neuroscience experts, from NorthBay Health, Mayo Clinic and the U.S. Air Force. Capping the day will be a motivational lecture from renowned Traumatic Brain Injury expert Dr. Bennet Omalu.

“The goal is to make NorthBay Health a creative leader for patient care in the region,” said Dr. Zusman. “We are targeting primary and specialty care physicians, emergency providers and first responders.”

Early-bird signups range from $100 for physicians to $75 for other health care providers. The cost increases after April 6 to $130 for physicians and $105 for other health care providers. A walk-in rate is $160 for physicians and $135 for other health care professionals.

For more information, visit NorthBay.org/TBI or call (707) 646-3284.

The second workshop, scheduled from 3 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 4, will also be held at the Green Valley conference Center. Titled, “Youth & Sports: What Everyone Should Know,” it is free and open to the public.

Dr. Zopfi, who is not only the medical director for NorthBay’s Trauma Program, but also serves on the U.S. Youth Soccer Board of Directors, will speak, along with orthopedic surgeon Neil Pathare, M.D., and Fairfield Councilman Rick Vaccaro, former school administrator and principal.

Dr. Omalu will offer a speech on what every parent should know before letting a child play contact sports.

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