18 SEP 2019

Teaming Up to Present Film on Anxiety

Foster Kinship Care Education Program-Solano College is teaming up with NorthBay Health, Alternative Family Services & Solano County Office of Education to sponsor a special screening of a documentary for teens, tweens and families about anxiety.

“Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety,” was created to spark a global conversation on the subject, according to producers Scilla Andreen and Karin Gornick. Through candid interviews, they tell the stories of many kids and teens who discuss their anxiety and its impacts on their lives and relationships, as well as how they’ve found solutions and hope.

The one-night screening in Fairfield is free, but space is limited and reservations are required. The screening will be at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25 at NorthBay Health’s Green Valley Administration Center, 4500 Business Center Drive, Fairfield. Register online to reserve your seat at www.fosterluv.com/book-online.

The 56-minute film by Indie-Flix, a leading independent online streaming platform, along with its nonprofit arm, the IndieFlix Foundation, will be followed by a panel discussion.

While “Angst” documents the struggles some people have with anxiety, it also reveals their hope for the future. Noah, a teenager in the film, describes it this way: “Anxiety doesn’t define me. It’s not just a curse; it also gives me strength.”

“Everybody needs to know that anxiety disorders are real, common and treatable instead of viewing them as a personal choice or something to be ashamed of,” said Dr. Jerry Bubrick, Senior Director of Anxiety Disorders Center, Child Mind Institute. “Getting help early is crucial in giving people the tools they need to feel better. We just need to start the conversation.”

“We felt it was important to make a movie that could raise awareness to open up the conversation and provide hope,” said Scilla, IndieFlix CEO and “Angst” Producer. “So many people struggle with anxiety and have trouble talking about it. We want to change that.”

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health challenge in the U.S., impacting 54 percent of females and 46 percent of males, with age seven being the median age of onset, according to the World Health Organization. While anxiety disorders are highly treatable, only one-third of those suffering receive treatment. Everyone involved in the development of “Angst” has a personal experience with anxiety – from the producers to the interviewees.

The film also includes a special interview with Michael Phelps, a mental health advocate and one of the greatest athletes of all-time. In addition, the documentary provides discussions with mental health experts about the causes of anxiety and its sociological effects, along with the help, resources and tools available to address the condition.

“The conversation surrounding mental health really hits home for me,” said Michael Phelps. “Many people don’t understand how debilitating mental illness truly can be, and even more than that, how common it is, yet people are afraid to have the serious discussions about it. I welcomed the opportunity to be a part of ‘Angst’ to further the dialogue around mental health and to help people understand the impact anxiety has on our mental state and encourage people, especially kids, to ask for help.”

“Angst” is being screened in schools and communities across the world. The IndieFlix original film is expected to reach more than three million people around the world, through 25,000 community and school screenings.

To book a screening, find a screening or learn more, visit www.angstmovie.com.

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