08 NOV 2019

Our Experts Engage in the Community

Interventional Cardiologist and structural heart disease specialist Mark Villalon, M.D., talks about heart disease at Paradise Valley Estates.
Interventional Cardiologist and structural heart disease specialist Mark Villalon, M.D., talks about heart disease at Paradise Valley Estates.

From retirement communities to service clubs, NorthBay Health experts were out and about, sharing their expertise, in October.

Interventional Cardiologist and structural heart disease specialist Mark Villalon, M.D., (above) talks about heart disease at Paradise Valley Estates. Genetic Counselor Karen Vikstrom shares eye-opening information about direct-to-consumer genetic tests with Soroptimist International of Vacaville members.

Genetic Counselor Karen Vikstrom (right) shares eye-opening information about direct-to-consumer genetic tests with Soroptimist International of Vacaville members.


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