Our Advanced Medicine Stories

Terrill Brewer undergoing her water therapy.
Patient’s Quality of Life is 100% Better Kyphoplasty turns bedridden senior into an active adult. April 1, 2023
A man taking a break from playing tennis to crotch down and hold his knee.
New Treatment for Knee Injuries Popularized by professional athletes and now available at NorthBay Health. February 1, 2023
A moment of tenderness between a daughter visiting her mother recovering in the hospital. The mother is tunred towards her daughter, smiling with her eyes closed. The daughter is holding her hand while giving her a kiss on the forehead.
Make a Heart-Felt Donation Honor a Loved One, Help NorthBay Save Lives. February 1, 2023
The new Monarch™ robotic bronchoscopy machine at NorthBay Health, now named Spiritus.
Name-Our-Robot Winner Announced NorthBay Health nurse submits the winning name for our Monarch: Spiritus. December 1, 2022
The thin monarch probe inside a plastic replica of a lung.
Our Monarch Needs a Name Meet our new pulmonology team member and help us name it! October 1, 2022
Cover of the upcoming WellSpring on a light blue background.
Wellspring Delivers the Scoop on NorthBay Health Meet our physicians and learn about our dynamic health care system. October 1, 2022

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