Our Cancer Stories

Doctor interacting with what he sees on the screen accompanying the MONARCH, Robotic-Assisted Bronchoscopy, platform.
New NorthBay Technology Helps NorCal Lung Patients Monarch helps diagnose cancer in patients near and far. November 1, 2023
Group of firefighters dressed in pink in support of Breast Cancer.
Go PINK to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness Local October fundraisers support the NorthBay Health Cancer Center. October 1, 2023
Doctor with a patient, using an educational model of a colon and pointing to it in her discussion.
How to Stop Colon Cancer In Its Tracks Colonoscopies have gotten easier — and it could save your life. October 1, 2023
Chrystina Collins with her children.
Cancer Can’t Slow Down This Busy Mom Diagnosis underscores the importance of having regular mammograms. September 1, 2023
The Women’s HOPE Steering Committee is (l-r) Keyo Tocchini, Susan Cianci, Gaylene Andersen, Francie Bryan, Katie Lydon, Ana Reyes and Wendy Jackson.
Find HOPE in October Philanthropic group’s next meeting will focus on cancer, genetics. September 1, 2023
The new Monarch™ robotic bronchoscopy machine at NorthBay Health, now named Spiritus.
Name-Our-Robot Winner Announced NorthBay Health nurse submits the winning name for our Monarch: Spiritus. December 1, 2022

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