Our Heart Stories

A mature woman in her 40-50s with pixie-length grey hair and a mustard yellow sweater. Her eyes are closed, with her face slightly scrunched and hands pressing against her chest in a sign of pain.
Know the Symptoms When it’s a heart attack, quick care can save lives. February 1, 2024
Thankful for Miracles Heart patient thanks the doctors who saved her life. December 5, 2023
Cover of the Spring 2023 issue of WellSpring, featuring a group shot of our heart & Vascular physicians.
It All Starts with Heart Meet NorthBay Health Heart & Vascular in the Wellspring Issue. May 5, 2023
A doctor holding up a pacemaker.
Getting the Beat Back on Track Expert offers cutting-edge treatment for irregular heart rhythms. April 1, 2023
Ted Neima, Vacaville resident, smiling at the camera in front of a display cabinet in his store Clipper Cargo.
A Fitting Fortune Thanks to TAVR, heart patient has a new lease on life. February 1, 2023
Close up image of plump and vibrant blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. Whether frozen or fresh, berries are a great source of fiber!
Eat Your Way to Heart Health Here's a primer to help you make better choices. February 1, 2023

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