Our Survey Stories

A woman wearing a N95 mask to keep herself safe as she goes about her day.
Cautionary Tale: More Say Yes to Masking Survey shows most Pulse readers are still COVID-conscious. November 1, 2022
Set of hands typing on a laptop. A overlayed image appears above the keyboard of a smiling face with 5 starts underneath it, followed by a neutral face with 3 stars, and a frowning face with 1 star.
Survey: Are You Still Masking? Share your masking strategy with us in a short survey. September 1, 2022
A photo of a male doctor standing in front of a crowd at a podium.
Chance to win a $25 gift card! Tell us what events you’re interested in for a chance to win! July 1, 2022
A doctor presenting in front of a crowd of people.
In-Person or Virtual? Are you ready to get out for events or is Zoom your preference? May 1, 2022
A woman packing a yellow suitcase on her bed in preparation for travel. Items like credit cards, sunglasses, a mask, and hand sanitizer can be seen in the foreground.
Away We Go? Car, cruise or plane? Tell us how you feel about travel. April 1, 2022

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