Our Advanced Medicine Stories

Podiatrist Dr. Miller sits with the mother of a patient during his medical mission to the Philippines.
NorthBay’s Medical Mission to the Philippines Surgeons, nurses join Bay Area team caring for rural patients. March 4, 2024
Doctor interacting with what he sees on the screen accompanying the MONARCH, Robotic-Assisted Bronchoscopy, platform.
New NorthBay Technology Helps NorCal Lung Patients Monarch helps diagnose cancer in patients near and far. November 1, 2023
Advanced Full-body Imaging Comes to NorthBay New 3-D, Low-dose X-ray technology is state-of-the-art. November 1, 2023
Shirley, Vacaville resident and Pulmonary Embolism survivor, posing with the EMT who was on the ambulance ride to NorthBay Medical Center.
Breathing Easy Again ‘ExPERT’ team’s quick response helps save lives. June 1, 2023
Cover of the Spring 2023 issue of WellSpring, featuring a group shot of our heart & Vascular physicians.
It All Starts with Heart Meet NorthBay Health Heart & Vascular in the Wellspring Issue. May 5, 2023
A doctor holding up a pacemaker.
Getting the Beat Back on Track Expert offers cutting-edge treatment for irregular heart rhythms. April 1, 2023

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