Our Foundation Stories

Special Video Honors Volunteer Week 2022 In honor of Volunteer Week, April 18-24, NorthBay Health Foundation President Paul McGinty recorded a video.... April 20, 2022
Paul McGinty, NorthBay Health Foundation President
NorthBay Health Foundation Names New President An exhaustive search for the next president of the NorthBay Health Foundation successfully concluded with the.... February 3, 2022
Jami Gill’s mother, Carol Coleman, wanted to send her thanks and gratitude to all NorthBay staff and physicians who cared for her and thought the best way to do it was through a photo that shows the two of them together.
‘Dream’ Gave Daughter Chance to Say Goodbye Carol Coleman, 69, had been battling a series of health crises, including numerous surgeries, leukemia and.... April 24, 2020
The Shaw family includes (left to right) David Shaw, Connie Martinez, Juanita Figueroa, Kathy Shaw, Steve Shaw, Patt and Al Shaw.
‘The Shaw Family Kitchen’ Honors $5 Million Donati Never in NorthBay Health’s history has a gift of this size — $5 million — ever.... September 11, 2019
Jubilee Defies the Rain Fabulous Fundraiser a Squishy Success It was raining cats and dogs, but the foul weather didn’t.... May 22, 2019
Rain didn't dampen spirits at the 32nd Annual Solano Wine & Food Jubilee.
Rain Doesn't Dampen Spirits at Annual Jubilee Rainy weather didn’t deter the crowds, nor the vendors, from turning out in force for the.... May 20, 2019

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