Our Community Outreach Stories

Group of previous Nurse Camp students dressed in surgical scrubs giving the camera a thumbs up.
Nurse Camp Apps on Tap for Local High School Students Considering a clinical career? Immersive experience is a must! May 5, 2023
A moment of tenderness between a daughter visiting her mother recovering in the hospital. The mother is tunred towards her daughter, smiling with her eyes closed. The daughter is holding her hand while giving her a kiss on the forehead.
Make a Heart-Felt Donation Honor a Loved One, Help NorthBay Save Lives. February 1, 2023
Set of hands typing on a laptop. A overlayed image appears above the keyboard of a smiling face with 5 starts underneath it, followed by a neutral face with 3 stars, and a frowning face with 1 star.
Survey: Are You Still Masking? Share your masking strategy with us in a short survey. September 1, 2022
A photo of a male doctor standing in front of a crowd at a podium.
Chance to win a $25 gift card! Tell us what events you’re interested in for a chance to win! July 1, 2022
A doctor presenting in front of a crowd of people.
In-Person or Virtual? Are you ready to get out for events or is Zoom your preference? May 1, 2022
Support Groups Meet Virtually in October NorthBay Health support groups will meet virtually during October. The Vacaville NorthBay Alzheimer’s Dementia Caregiver Support.... September 23, 2021

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