Our Patient Story Stories

Ted Neima, Vacaville resident, smiling at the camera in front of a display cabinet in his store Clipper Cargo.
A Fitting Fortune Thanks to TAVR, heart patient has a new lease on life. February 1, 2023
NorthBay orthopedic specialist Dr. Cornelis Elmes, M.D. (left) and Maria Murillo (right) conversing together.
Getting Back to Normal Fairfield woman finds relief from constant back pain caused by SI joint. December 1, 2022
Patient Paul Palma (right) and Dr. Maloney (left) reconnecting after his spine surgery.
Grad Walks, Thanks to Doc Spinal surgery allows Fairfield teenager to get back on his feet. November 1, 2022
Cover of the upcoming WellSpring on a light blue background.
Wellspring Delivers the Scoop on NorthBay Health Meet our physicians and learn about our dynamic health care system. October 1, 2022
Free of Pain! New Knee Means Mobility After years of pain, this knee replacement patient found relief through NorthBay’s program. March 1, 2022
Carrie Reese flexing triumphantly in Vacaville’s Old Skool Gym with her weightlifting belt draped over her shoulder.
This 85-year-old Patient Can Deadlift 226 Pounds At 85, Carrie Reese can hoist 200-plus pounds, an amazing feat considering she underwent surgery just... January 1, 2022

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