Our Technology Stories

Doctor interacting with what he sees on the screen accompanying the MONARCH, Robotic-Assisted Bronchoscopy, platform.
New NorthBay Technology Helps NorCal Lung Patients Monarch helps diagnose cancer in patients near and far. November 1, 2023
Advanced Full-body Imaging Comes to NorthBay New 3-D, Low-dose X-ray technology is state-of-the-art. November 1, 2023
Close up of a mixed race man's eye.
New Tool Can Save Eyesight Quick test for diabetic patients can reveal issues before symptoms appear. July 1, 2023
A sleek, modern hearing device is held up in the foreground. The profile of a mature woman appears blurred in the background that looks like an audiologist's office.
What? Hearing Aids More Accessible Now! Understand the benefits and drawbacks with over-the-counter products. January 1, 2023
The new Monarch™ robotic bronchoscopy machine at NorthBay Health, now named Spiritus.
Name-Our-Robot Winner Announced NorthBay Health nurse submits the winning name for our Monarch: Spiritus. December 1, 2022
Multiple generations of a family enjoying a walk together in the outdoors.
Too Much Screen Time: Is This a Problem? Put down those devices this holiday break and get outside and play! December 1, 2022

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